On Saturday morning I am going to be running through these gardens. And I need your help so that I want to do it again!
Several months ago I made the goal to run a 5K. I downloaded a training plan and even did some of it – though I should have done much, much more! But I vowed that I would run/walk the 5K no matter what. No excuses.
I picked the Running with Angels 5K at Thanksgiving Point. Afterall, running through the gardens should be fun, right? Proceeds go to Women’s Services at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. I spent lots of time there when I was in the Eager Trial so I can concur that it is a good cause!
After I decided to run, my sister decided to join me. So we will be running together – even better! We start at 8 am and I am kind of excited!
I’ve seen dozens of pictures on facebook and blogs of friends who finished their first half marathon on Saturday. Seriously! Awesome! They are my inspiration. I am definitely in need of advice since I have not been the running type up until now. So please give me some comment love today!
Here are some things I have been wondering about ….
1. Do you eat anything special before or after? At any certain times?
2. What do you wear? I do have my expensive, but oh so worth it sports bra, but are shorts and a tee fine for a 5K?
3. How early should you arrive?
4. What do you take with you? Do you run with a water bottle? IPOD? anything special?
5. What do you wish someone had told you before your first run?
Do tell! It is a simple 5K, but I want it to be a good experience so I am inspired to do more!
Thanks in advance!
Sarah · June 14, 2010 at 4:03 pm
Tara. Yay you!!! Carb up with (non Alfredo) pasta the night before.
You wouldn't believe me if I tried to explain how much better running in actual sports shirts. Something moisture-wicking. Amazing.
Run with a watch so you can pace yourself.
Don't get caught up in the excitement if the race and bolt out at the begining. Run just a little tiny bit faster than your base pace.
Melissa · June 15, 2010 at 5:53 am
Go, Tara, go! I have no advice other than what I learned from Bryce and Amanda's cross country days: eat spaghetti the night before.
Vickie Blanchard · June 15, 2010 at 1:28 pm
I'm so excited for you! And jealous because I miss running, and I'm not capable of even a 5k right now! Here's my advice:
For a 5k you shouldn't need to carb up TOO much the night before. I mean eat well, but don't pig out. Hopefully you have trained enough and experimented to have a good idea of what to eat before you run (race day is not the day to experiment with pre-run nutrition), but the main thing is to make sure you have something in you. You can't run on nothing. Ry and I always remind each other of something we read in runner's world or something like that “Fat burns in a carbohydrate flame.” Anytime you exercise, your body can only access it's energy stores if it has some carbs to get the engine running, so to speak. Also, be sure to carb up AFTER your run. Ideally, you should replenish your body with carbs, protein, and some fat soon after running (15-30 minutes is ideal, but you have up to 2 hours) so your body can restore it's glycogen levels (I highly recommend reading up on glycogen—if you figure it out you will never hit the wall, or if you do, you'll know how to come out of it! great stuff at runersworld.com). What to wear: I have run all of my races but one in a cotton tee and my basic running shorts. Yeah, you'll look cooler in expensive stuff, but you don't really need it, and you wont' be alone in your tee-shirt. If you have the money great. But I don't believe in taking running gear too seriously . . . your performance has more to do with you. Um, just because of parking and crowds, you'll probably want to be there 30-45 min. early. That way you have time for one last potty break (lines can be LONG) and warm up and stretch. Most race courses have water stations, which you should definitely use during the race, but with a 5k, you probably don't need extra hydration beyond what they provide. If you're worried about hitting the wall, you might want to bring a piece of gum or a lite snack in your shorts pocket (gummy candy or fruit snacks of any kind is my stand by running snack). My last advice: start SLOW. Your first race should be about finishing, not about time (yes, set a goal, but a very achievable one). You will be much happier with yourself if you start slower than you need to and still have energy to push it at the end and finish than if you start out too fast and have to walk or feel horrible for the second half. Good luck!
A Toast to Kos · June 15, 2010 at 2:10 pm
I hope your race went awesome! I was going to suggest vaseline under your arms and between your legs to prevent chaffing. (It happens!) Also, no need to “carb up.” Drink gatorade and eat a healthy dinner the night before with lots of protein like beans, cheese, lean meat, etc and fruits and veges. Some toast is enough carbs to get you through. I always eat breakfast before, but just keep it super simple like a piece of toast with peanut butter and banana on it.
Comfy socks, shorts, and t-shirt are necessary. It'll make you feel better and therefore run better. So happy you bought a nice sports bra. That is so important for your health. Anyway, hope it was great! I'm running a 5 miler in July in Central Park. I'm really excited!
Trainer Momma · June 18, 2010 at 5:51 pm
With a 5K, no carb loading the night before is necessary. Just eating really well the days leading up the race, lots of water, fiber and protein. That way your digestive tract will work well the morning of (if you get my drift).
That morning just have a nice bowl of oatmeal, sprinkle with nuts and water. I like to bring a banana with me to the race. I eat it just before I run, however, if it is too early I don't worry about it and eat it afterward. I also bring a protein bar to eat afterward.
Many races do not allow iPod's. You'll have to look into their rules. Otherwise, for this distance, don't bring a darn thing with you.
Mostly, don't do anything the morning of the race you've never done before. Use shoes that you've done many times, wear familiar comfy, cool clothes, a great sports bra, and socks you are familiar with. The last thing you need are blisters due to breaking in shoes for the first time.
Just enjoy the energy! There's nothing like it! Watch out, it is addicting!
Arrive 30-45 minutes prior to your start time. I always like doing races with people. I rarely stay with them, but I love going there with them, and chatting about the race afterward. Plus, then you have someone to take pics with!
Elaine · June 19, 2010 at 9:06 pm
I used to do XC in high school and did a lot of 5Ks but the point then was to do it as fast as you could….which sucked! So for your first time, I think you should relax and not be too stressed out. Just enjoy the run like everyone else said!
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