I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I’ve been hauling myself out of a rut. A blog rut. A design rut. A routine rut. For all intents and purposes – A LIFE RUT. Do you ever get that way? Where you wake up one day and look around and ask yourself, “is this what I really want?” Now, I am not talking about my husband or my littles. They are not up for grabs! I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that a life with them is what I want.
But how do I want to live that life? A few posts out there in the blogosphere have really got me thinking. Like this one by Misha Thompson about the difference between being busy and being full. Do you know the difference? I tell you what – lately I have been a busy momma! Sometimes I plan, plan, plan to the brim and forget that I need to be live, live, living – not too caught up in the Martha-like details. I like how she distinguishes living by priorities from living by pressure. I also liked idea of shaping my life each day by intentional choices. Choices that should revolve around these darling little faces:
And than there was Shawni’s post on Holiness in Motherhood. Shawni is sister-in-law to a fantastic girl I worked with on the newspaper at BYU-Idaho. I stumbled upon her blog and I am so glad that I did. Her kids are older than mine so I love to look ahead at what life can bring.
She wrote about a session at a motherhood retreat she attended where the presenter said,
โNo one wakes up in the morning and says, โI want to be unholy todayโ Jen said,โ but the path of least resistance can certainly take us there. We must make holiness a conscious choice.โ
Can I relate – oh yes! It’s easy to turn on the TV. It’s easy to open the lap top. Oh so easy to send my little family into a technology induced coma. But is it best? (probably depends on my sanity and the sleep I got the night before ….).
I liked how she talks about simply looking for those holy moments. Or adding holiness to our more stressful moments by thinking of what the Savior would do. Today I found holiness in naptime as I rocked this sweet boy to sleep.
Did I want to sell my three year old to the circus because she kept waking him from his nap by pushing water melon in through the crib bars – oh yes – (she insisted he was hungry and that he hold her to get him some food. I guess she speaks grunt-ese). But instead of being too annoyed, I decided to step back and enjoy the moment of rocking him back to sleep. Already he is so big and just recently he decided to give walking a try. He won’t be my baby for long.
So what do my ramblings mean? They mean I am making conscious decisions to prioritize and revitalize my life, my relationships with my family, my faith, and my home. I will definitely keep moving forward.
What does it mean for the blog? You’ll get to join me on the journey! Lots of new things ahead, including:
My dear and talented sister over at Live to be Inspired has generously accepted the challenge of revamping my poor kiddos bedroom that is sadly in need of lots of help. As we speak, my email of delightful before pictures are reaching her in Colorado where she will whip up a design that is both fabulous and functional. How do I know this? Because she made my cultural hall wedding reception look like a not cultural hall wedding reception on a very small budget. My biggest wedding regret is that we didn’t get more pictures. It was gorgeous. To die for. Loved it. But I digress …

She recently made this for her sister-in-law’s bridal shower. Gorgeous, no? So stay tuned for the Toddler room makeover. It will not disappoint.
2. Scripture Power!
A huge goal I have is to teach my toddlers from the scriptures every day. I have found lots of fabulous and free materials. Many good things to share!
And that is just the start of my new rut-less life. Stay tuned!