Lily’s latest outfit while we were delivering meals to people in our ward. |
Cliche as it may sound – summer has flown by! As we’ve worked on Lily’s summer of service, adjusted to Kyler’s crawling/cruising, and completed a million other little tasks – somehow the summer slipped away from us. Lily starts KINDERGARTEN on Wednesday. She truly cannot wait. We met her teacher and checked out the classroom earlier this week and Lily was convinced that school should start right away.
With the start our family’s first school year, I am hopeful for new beginnings, new habits, new routines. The start of this new phase in our family’s life has made me realize that while the days are long at times, the years are short so I need to make the most of them!
This quote jumped off the page to me last week as I was reading online. Printing it off right now to hang on my bathroom mirror.
“Every human being has exactly the same amount of time, and yet consider the output of Robert Louis Stevenson, John Peabody Harrington, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, William Goldman, Neil Simon, Joyce Carol Oates, Agatha Christie, and John Gardner.
How did they accomplish what they have?
They weren’t deflected from their priorities by activities of lesser importance. The work continues, even though everything else may have to give. They know that their greatest resource is themselves. Wasting time is wasting themselves.
When people ask them, “Where do you find the time?” they wonder, “Where do you lose it?” – Kenneth Atchity
I am determined to lose a little less time in frivolous activities and focus more on priorities. So ready to start house hunting, teach my babies, and continue educating myself in the topics that matter most.
How do you most effectively manage your time?
Does your family have back to school traditions?
What is your favorite summer memory from this year?
1 Comment
Jess from Coxs Corner · August 12, 2012 at 3:20 am
I really liked this post! I would love to know more about your summer of service! It sounds like such a great idea. I'm so glad I stopped by from Utah Bloggers…I am SO excited to be your newest follower since you're so awesome! Come by and visit anytime. 🙂