I'm Attending Inspire My Life Women
I attended a sneak preview of Inspire My Life for Women over Easter weekend and I am so excited to let my readers know that they can attend the same event for FREE in St. George. A conference ticket is typically $65 so you do not want to miss out on this opportunity!

Here’s the 411:

In case you thought it couldn’t get any better than an amazing day with artists and presenters like Katherine Nelson, Charley Jenkins, and Vickie Pahnke … the 999th person who registers for the conference at Inspire My Life.com wins a luxurious stay at the four-diamond Green Valley Spa in St. George. This includes all meals and snacks, fitness classes, and daily guided hikes and workshops. Did I mention a 50-minute massage? So hurry and register for the conference! (tell them that Tara at Keep Moving Forward With Me sent you!)

Inspire My Life

I was privileged to attend a private event with Katherine Nelson last fall and she quickly became one of my favorite artists. She will be one of the speakers at the conference on Saturday.ย  We play her Born Brave album quite often in our car. I love hearing my five-year-old daughter singing, “I was born to be brave … to stand up and stand out,” as she plays with her dolls. Katherine’s message is essential for us as women and our daughters. My little boy makes me repeat her song Home Sweet Home multiple times as well.


My apologies to the beautiful and talented Katherine Nelson! I just couldn’t figure out how to take the light out of her eyes.

What’s Mine Is Yours was one of my favorite songs of the evening that she performed. I sat at arm’s length from Katherine as she poured out her heart into this song. There was not a dry eye in the room. The song perfectly demonstrated what makes Katherine so popular as an artist – her ability to connect and inspire. During our hour together, we laughed, we cried, and we shared stories about what makes a woman brave. I promise that you do not want to miss her this Saturday in St. George!

The inspiring Vickey Pahnke had me laughing during her delightful presentation about five promises every woman should make to herself. As Vickey was speaking, I felt like I was getting advice from a close friend. She is definitely one of those ladies who you would love to take to lunch and pick her brain about how to survive and thrive through motherhood.

I first saw Charley Jenkins perform over 10 years ago at Ricks College so it was a fun surprise to see him after all these years at the Inspire My Life event. Charley and his band closed the event and brought down the house with their lively and energy-packed performance. Charley didn’t hesitate to jump down from the stage and involve the audience in his performance. Although I loved dancing in my seat to his fast-paced tunes, my favorite song from Charley’s music set was Hero at Home, a song written in honor of his father who passed away from cancer.

In addition to these three inspiring artists, conference goers will also get to hear from Curtis L. Jacobs, David A. Christensen, and William Joseph.ย Both Curtis L. Jacobs and David A. Christensen presented at the event I attended and I came away with pages of notes.

If you are in the St. George area on Saturday, April 13th, be sure to check out this event! The unique format of performing artists and world-class speakers is simultaneously entertaining, educational, and inspirational. Inspire My Life has events throughout the rest of the year for women, teens, couples, singles, families … for everyone! Keep in touch via their Facebook page so you won’t miss out!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are mine.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

Utah Readers: Inspire My Life Conference This Weekend in St. George! FREE to Attend! · April 9, 2013 at 11:45 am

[…] (Thanks Keep Moving Forward with Me)ย  […]

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