Disney on Ice presents Frozen will be coming to Salt Lake March 2-6. A few of my favorite bloggers and I have teamed up to share our favorite Disney on Ice tips to help your family have an amazing time! Here are our top ten pieces of advice for your first (and second, third, fourth, fifth ….) visit to Disney on Ice.
1.VERIFY DATE AND TICKET TIME This one seems so simple, but, believe it or not, we showed up at intermission for our first Disney on Ice. Still don’t know how I read the time wrong, but I was so glad that the second half was pretty long! Do not make the same mistake I did!
2. DRESS UP Sari Totten Olschewski from Lady of Perpetual Chaos says, “My girls LOVED dressing up as princesses. I believe there were a couple pirates in our group as well. Basically any chance to dress up and have princess hair is going to be a good time!” I completely agree! We will be dressed to the nines in Disney gear for Disney on Ice opening night! Don’t have a costume on hand? You can get the authentic Disney costumes within 5-7 days. If you are looking for a less expensive option, watch ZuLily for sales on Disney princess dresses. I’ve seen some darling dresses the past few months for under $20!

Lily loves this Rapunzel dress! She also has a darling Elsa dress. Click on the picture to find out more about where we got them.
If you can’t wait for a ZuLily sale, my daughter loves the Little Adventures Royal Rapunzel Princess Costume we bought her. She has played dress up in it for almost two years and it is still in great shape! It is the dress in the above picture. These will ship to you in two days so still plenty of time to get one before show time! I’ve been asked many times if little boys dress up as well. The answer is – YES! If your little boy is a cars fan, this Tow Mater costume is under $15 and ships in two days! There are tons more Cars and other little boy Disney options on Amazon.com as well. I love this knight costume from Little Adventures!
Don’t forget the hair! Check out this post for Elsa and Anna hair tutorials!
3. ESTABLISH EXPECTATIONS Be sure your children know what to expect as far as souvenirs and snacks before you go. Keep in mind this smart advice from Jennifer Dolan Day of My Daylights! “Before we left, we talked to our three year old about how we weren’t going to be able to buy everything we saw or eat everything we wanted. We let him know what our limits were because we knew we’d get there and end up with a tantrum on our hands. He did want a lot of things but the talk beforehand helped a ton. He got his one toy and was perfectly content with it and the ice cream we snagged!”
4. MAKE IT FUN FOR THE CHILDREN TO EARN My husband and I are having our children earn their souvenirs/treats by working on their goals. We printed them each one of the dozens of adorable tracking charts from Kid Pointz. They are tracking their simple chores, reading time, music practice, etc.! My children appreciate things so much more when they earn them and I am sure that they will be so proud of them.
5. BE AWARE OF YOUR CHILD’S NEEDS I am so glad that Ashlee Prisbrey from I’m Topsy Turvy reminded me of this tip! “If your children are sensitive to sound, bring noise canceling headphones (although if you forget they do have free earplugs at the information desk – but those [may] feel weird to the kids, too).” My four year old some times gets overwhelmed with loud noises so I am definitely keeping this in mind.
6. RESEARCH THE BEST PARKING If you are coming to the Utah Disney on Ice, I will let you in on a little secret my Dad taught me. Local restaurants will often let you park at their establishment during an event if you put your receipt in the window. We grab a gyro at one of our favorite Salt Lake City restaurants and then it’s just a short walk to the Energy Solutions Arena. Check to see if restaurants in your area have similar policies! TRAX may also be a good option for you – just make sure that you double check train times! If you are in a different state, be sure to check out the parking situation near your arena and see if you can find a good deal!
7. BUILD THE EXCITEMENT You can check out Disney on Ice Youtube Videos here. My daughter LOVES surprises, but the son likes to know exactly what he is doing. We’ll be showing him the youtube videos in advance.
8. LOCATE BATHROOMS I recommend making a bathroom trip before you leave home, again at dinner, and again before the show starts – just in case! You can never be too careful with the under six crowd! Make note of the nearest bathroom to your seats just in case you have to sneak out with a little one during the show.
9. BRING BINOCULARS This is my husband’s favorite tip. Even if you have great seats, children love looking through binoculars for a closer look!
10. DISCUSS PERFORMANCE ETIQUETTE Before we even get out of the car, I like to go over a few simple rules with my children. They are pretty basic – stay by family, walk, and use nice voices. For arena events, I add keeping our feet to ourselves – no one likes the back of their seat kicked. This is a high energy performance so cheering and laughing is definitely welcomed, though!
I hope these 10 easy tips will help you enjoy your first Disney on Ice performance! There is still plenty of time to get tickets and be sure to use the code MOM at checkout for a special discount!
WHEN: March 2 – 6, 2016
Wednesday, March 2 7:00 PM
Thursday, March 3 7:00 PM
Friday, March 4 3:30 PM & 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 5 11:30 AM, 3:30 PM & 7:00 PM
Sunday, March 6 11:30 AM & 3:30 PM
WHERE: Vivint Smart Home Arena – 301 West South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
TICKETS: Tickets start at $20 with limited number of VIP & Front Row seating available (ticket prices range by each performance and subject to change without notice)
Tickets are available for purchase online at Smithstix.com, select Smith’s Grocery locations, charge by phone at 800-888-TIXX or in-person at the venue Box Office.
Chelsea · February 22, 2014 at 4:31 pm
Dressing up is so the best idea! I went to Disney on Ice when I was little but didn’t dress up because I was like 11 or something at the time- it was still awesome though 🙂
Jillian @ Hi! It's Jilly · February 22, 2014 at 4:52 pm
Great tips! That looks like so much fun! Too bad we aren’t in UT!
Taralyn · February 22, 2014 at 4:54 pm
They have shows in other states as well! Check it out at http://www.disneyonice.com!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) · February 22, 2014 at 7:28 pm
Dressing up is such a cute idea, although it’s not quite the same for little boys as it is for girls. I have a hard enough time getting them to wear their mouse ears in Disney World every year when we go.
Joanne · February 22, 2014 at 7:38 pm
Looks like such a fun time! We’ve never been to Disney On Ice, but we love Disney World!
Becky · February 22, 2014 at 7:49 pm
Great tips! Thanks for sharing! I wish they were touring near us, but hopefully some day! 🙂
Jamie Rippy (@MamaMommyMom) · February 22, 2014 at 8:07 pm
Great tips! My little girl would love to dress up for something like this, and it’s honestly not something I would’ve considered before reading your post. Thanks!
Lois Alter Mark · February 22, 2014 at 10:22 pm
Those are all great tips, especially remembering your child’s needs. My favorite, though, is the getting dressed up. Love your photo!
Mary · February 23, 2014 at 5:33 am
Great tips. We have yet to go to a Disney On Ice event but this year is probably the year.
amber.m · February 23, 2014 at 9:31 am
Oh these are great tips!!
Erinn Sluka · February 23, 2014 at 11:39 am
My son alays attends events in costume. I love it. He has dressed in costume for all the Avenger movies and can;t wait to take him to a Disney on ice show
Trish · February 23, 2014 at 2:41 pm
We have a while before we’re ready to go to something like this, but I’ll definitely keep these tips in mind when we are! I especially like the souvenir tips. Anything you can do to prevent a meltdown is good 🙂
Debbie L · February 23, 2014 at 3:37 pm
We love Disney on Ice! I look forward to taking the grandchildren every year. My kids went and now them. There were a few years in between that I went with a friend. I think it is great that you guys dress up.
Renee @ Two in the Kitchen · February 23, 2014 at 3:49 pm
I have always wanted to take my kids to this! It looks like so much fun!!
Cyndie · February 23, 2014 at 3:56 pm
I would love to go to Disney on Ice. I love ice skating and Disney, so it would be a win-win~
chrissy@thePEARLblog · February 24, 2014 at 5:49 am
thanks for the tips. we are going on thursday. never thought to have the girls dress up
Yvonne @ TriedandTasty · February 24, 2014 at 7:29 am
What a great list of ideas! I went to Disney on Ice as a kid and LOVED it! So fun!
Stefanie @ Making of a Mom · February 24, 2014 at 8:00 am
I love these tips. The piece of advice I would give a first timer is that if you already own a Disney light up toy – BRING IT! That way your kids won’t need (or hopefully won’t beg) to buy one! I received that advice for my first trip and was so grateful that my daughter already had a light up Mickey in hand so she wasn’t sad when everyone else had other lighted toys.
Denise @ Mom 4 a Difference · February 24, 2014 at 8:05 am
Thanks for the tips! I am going to use them for other activities in addition to when I take my son to see Disney on Ice in the future.
Lindsay @Artsy-Fartsy Mama · February 24, 2014 at 9:29 am
We love Disney on Ice! Thanks for all the great tips!!
Stacie D Wyatt · February 24, 2014 at 9:32 am
Great post. I also would locate the customer service desks, just in case a child decides to wander off, like mine did at a soccer game.
nicole howell · February 24, 2014 at 10:27 am
I have taken my boys to the last two Disney on Ice shows and they lost interest both times about half way through. If we go to another I will have to try a few of these tips.
cindy b · February 24, 2014 at 11:13 am
Loved reading these tips! I live near SLC so this may come in handy indeed! Thanks for sharing!
Joanna Sormunen · February 24, 2014 at 12:25 pm
Great tips! Locating the bathrooms before sounds like a great idea! And I love the dressing up idea! I’m sure my son would have been so excited. Too bad he’s so big already.
Cecilia · February 24, 2014 at 1:31 pm
I’m so happy I found this. My six year old decided she wanted to do this for her birthday this year. You better believe that we’ll be coming with Merida hair, dress, and bow and quiver. She’s ridiculously excited. Me too. I’ve never been.
aprila · February 24, 2014 at 1:55 pm
such great tips. I love the idea of having the kids dress up
Melissa @ This Girl's Life Blog · February 24, 2014 at 3:51 pm
We have taken our daughter to Disney on Ice a couple different times and we really enjoy it. I love the idea to have them do chores and earn their souvenirs because boy can those things get expensive. I will have to remember that for next time we go to one of these type of events.
Sarh S · February 24, 2014 at 4:42 pm
I remember going to Disney On Ice when I was a little girl with my mom and grandpa. I have wanted to take my daughter and even my two sons, but it is quite overwhelming now that I am an adult and have three little ones to keep near.
Marcie Robinson · February 24, 2014 at 5:22 pm
These are GREAT tips! I cannot wait to take my kids. We have tickets next week!
Tiffany Steadman-Collins · February 24, 2014 at 6:49 pm
what a great list of tips for a first outing to Disney on Ice. I wish I would of seen this before I went because it would of made our trip a lot smoother. But there is always next time and I plan to have my little ones dress up I am sure it will add to the excitement:)
Ida Mae aka "That Fun Reading Teacher" · February 24, 2014 at 9:14 pm
Excellent tips! What a beautiful post. I’m in the Disney spirit…
Michelle F. · February 24, 2014 at 10:48 pm
Great tips. I can’t wait to take my daughter.
Terin Garrett · February 25, 2014 at 7:26 am
I took my girls to Disney Princesses on Ice last year and they dressed up as their favorite princesses – thankfully it was right before Halloween, so we were able to go shopping and buy all new princess gear! 🙂
Rachel · February 27, 2014 at 8:32 pm
These are great tips for any show! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.
Ann · October 10, 2014 at 5:18 pm
Im taking my little girl to Disney on Ice and she wants to wear her Frozen princess costume, do other kids also?
Taralyn · October 13, 2014 at 9:13 am
Yes, Ann! Lots of kids dress up. My daughter has dressed up everyone time she has gone.
Disney on Ice Rockin' Ever After Review | Keep Moving Forward With Me · March 7, 2014 at 11:35 am
[…] first complete Disney on Ice was smashing success! We followed our ten tips to a T and left the fabulous show with three beaming children (and two beaming adults!) Gotta love […]
What to Wear to Disney on Ice - Let's Celebrate - Keep Moving Forward With Me · February 24, 2015 at 7:24 am
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Preparing for Disney on Ice + Discount Code - Keep Moving Forward With Me · March 4, 2015 at 10:20 am
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