This week we are in full-blown back to school mode. All summer I’ve been pulling out the too-small clothing items from the kiddos closets. I finally bagged them all up in anticipation of our back to school shopping at Deseret Industries.
Our shopping trip did not disappoint! Not only did we drop off bags of no-longer needed clothes, but we picked up 19+ clothing items for under $50! That’s two complete outfits for each child as well as some mix and match extras. Not bad, eh?

We caught a movie (Pete’s Dragon!) at the Thanksgiving Megaplex so we decided to stop at the American Fork DI on our way home. There’s another DI in Provo and I am so excited for the Springville DI to open soon!
So here’s how DI shopping goes down with the Parkers. The American Fork DI is conveniently located down the street from a Carl’s Jr with a playground. Dad and the crew took off for kids meals and climbing gyms while I searched the racks.
The kids section is divided by size, type, and even color. The DI restocks their racks every day so you never know what you will find. Plan time to be able to really dig into the racks. I spent about half an hour pulling out items that I thought my kiddos would like. Best part? I found several items still with the original tags on them. We love Gymboree, Gap, Old Navy, and Osh Kosh. Lucky for me there were plenty of items in great condition from those favorite stores!

With my cart loaded, I called the hubby and kiddos back over. They tried a few things on and gave me the thumbs up or thumbs down on what I had chosen for them. I gave them each a budget of $16. They each were able to get 5-8 items including complete top/bottom outfits!
While my husband headed toward checkout, I ran over to the maternity section and scored two pairs of preggo capris for $5 each. Fun for the kids and mom!
Can you see what I love shopping at the DI? Here’s a few more reasons:
You can put together a complete outfit for under $10. Kyler was lucky enough to get two preschool outfits for $8 – including this cute one!

No mommy guilt if something gets stained for torn. I teach my children to take good care of their clothes regardless, but it’s so much nicer knowing that something only costs $2 if it happens to get ruined.

There’s something for everyone at DI. It’s a one stop shop for my whole family. Maternity pants for mom, tween styles for Lily, athletic pants for Cortland, and cute khakis for Kyler. Each person in my family has very different ideas about what they like and don’t. What we discovered met everyone’s needs and wants.

My kids are all stocked up for back to school. I’m excited to go back in a few months and look for more winter clothes. To find a location near you and check out the DI’s donation guidelines, please visit deseretindustries.org. The American Fork DI is located at 435 South and 500 East in American Fork.

This post was sponsored by Deseret Industries. Thank you for getting my kids ready for back to school! All opinions and cute kiddos are mine.
Do you have a DI in your area?
What is your favorite thrift store find?
How much back to school shopping do you have left to do?